Stephan has never needed to go to the doctor (well he has but he is a MAN and refuses-what can I do with that...)
Colby goes to the doctor when he eats a whole bag of lollipops (which he has done twice-thanks Ryne!!) or a BOX of Cinnamon Toast Crunch (yet again thanks Ryne :) I believe I have a dog with a sweet tooth-what do you think?
Trey is a whole other story-he confuses the hell out of me!! So far when I take him he just has a "cold" and there is really nothing we can do except for saline drops, humidifier blah blah blah. It really doen't help that he has an older brother that brings home all kinds of cooties from school.
But for the past week he has been sick. Full of mucus, low grade fever, recent diarrhea, crankiness, and he is so tired. So do I take him to the doctor? He HATES the doctor! As soon as we walk in the crying begins and it doen't stop 'til we are at the desk paying-seriously he already knows where we stop before leaving and that is when he begins to calm down. Trey is a difficult child to figure out. It doesn't help that he has hydrocephalus (water on the brain) which they are hoping he will grow out of, but this makes me a little more paranoid that every symptom is a "sign" the pressure on his brain is increasing. But he also has tummy issues, and we still haven't found the "perfect" formula. And yes this does help me to hate myself a little every day for not being able to breastfeed. But he is Very gassy, has reflux, and spits up a TON, and is just uncomfortable about 80% of the time. I hate that for him, and it makes me so heartbroken that I can't make him feel better.
So does he go to the doctot or do I keep him as happy and comfortable as possible and "wait" this bug out? I hate it when my babies are sick-all four of them.
Edited to post: I think I may have figured out one of Trey's problems, so I will let you know if I am right....or wrong. But for now it is a secret so I don't embarass myself :)
Here are some pictures of Trey awaiting his MRI (not the happiest day of my or his life)
He finally passed out from all the crying and not being able to eat for 7 hours!
Poor little guy. HOpe he feels better soon.
ReplyDeleteAwww poor Trey! Thankfully he has some great parents....and who wouldn't love a mom w/ cleavage like that....I'm jealous - I want mine to be like that! haha