I was told by my pediatrician that Trey is healthy and a good size and should not be eating any more than 36 oz a day. Wouldn't you know my hungry baby eats about 40 oz, so I get this bright idea to eliminate one of his middle of the night feedings. He eats at 8:30pm goes to bed, eats again at 3am goes right back to sleep, then he eats again at about 5 am is up for an hour then eats again at 7:30-8 am. So I figure lets erase the 5am feeding, now this is not to increase my sleep but to ensure I don't have a 50lb one year old.
So I get his bottles ready for the night BUT I put 1/2-1 oz less in his bottle. Trey did not like that. This just goes to prove he eats because he is hungry NOT out of habit. He knew he was not full and screamed until I gave in and gave him the extra 1/2-1 oz. His tummy said give me 5 oz or I will make your ears bleed. Have you ever heard a baby cry at 3am-it is 40 times louder than during the day. So he still gets 40 oz and I will just have to start working out more.
How lucky am I that Stephan works at nights.....
I leave you with these pictures (I happen to love his chubby cheeks)
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