
Sunday, October 18, 2009

I LOVE planning parties!! And other updates...

I know it's been a LONG time and there is not a ton that has happened, but here it is:
1) Ryne started soccer, and is REALLY good!! Once he gets warmed up and out on the field it is amazing. AND he runs the WHOLE game and is still not tired. He has some AMAZING energy-but after he plays a game watch out!! He eats anything he can find (that he likes of course :)
2) Ryne is in karate! He recently tested for the 2nd belt and he is officially a master white belt-whatever I think it is a big deal, and he is so proud of himself so that counts :) It takes 3 years-I think- to be a black belt, but that is something we are definitely gonna try and keep him in. He already learned a lot of respect, listening and focus-AND he keeps ALL karate moves to himself unless he is in the studio-YAY!!
3)Trey is over 27 lbs and more than 33 inches-He is a BIG BOY!! But he is totally proportionate so he is just as cute as can be. He wears size 2T clothes and size 5 shoes ;) I belong to a birth club, where there are A LOT of women and we all had our babies in December-and Trey has won the award for biggest baby on the board (which also means I have the biggest muscles on the board since Trey doesn't crawl or walk at all!!) There wasn't really a contest but I asked around and I say he won-so there ;) He drinks about 20 oz. of formula and 3 very small meals a day-this is completely normal, he is just predisposed to be a big boy-that's alright he can protect me :) I WILL have a house FULL of protectors ( a policeman for a husband, a black belt son, and a son as big as a refrigerator :)
3)We had our first ER trip for Trey. There will be MANY more to come, I am sure, but this was his first due to hydrocephalus. Trey had woken up from a nap, and I went to go make a bottle. Ryne always goes in there to talk to him and keep him from crying (Ryne HATES it when Trey cries ;) but as Ryne was reaching in to turn on the mobile, he fell in right on Trey's head. I walk in to a very ODD scream/cry from Trey and I look at Ryne (who had already quickly scrambled out of the crib) and he burst into tears also. I was so confused. Ryne immediately fessed up and the large red welt right next to Trey's shunt tube popped up immediately. I calmed them both down and "thought" everyone was okay. Later on the day Trey was so unbelievably fussy-nothing would make him feel better, so I took him to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and was taken into a room and seen by a doctor within 8 minutes of arrival ( I LOVE that ER-and they LOVED i had nothing to do with respiratory problems. There were like 30 kids in the ER with masks on and Swine flu symptoms) But Trey was fine-just had a headache-YAY!! (we almost had to take him again on Saturday-Someone accidentally dropped him on hard red clay ground, but after some mommy love and Tylenol, he was all good :)
4)Trey started physical therapy and occupational therapy. He ACTS like he was a breech baby with club feet-his hips and ankles are very weak. This means he can't crawl and can't pick up his legs to walk. I asked his therapist if it is due to his size and she told me no, he is very strong-if he were limp then yes he wouldn't be able to support his weight. His joints are just weak. He is already learning and will be moving along in no time :) When he is older he will also need to go through speech therapy, he does not babble at all-the only noise that comes out of him is "ugh" So essentially I have a 10 month old who is the size of a 2 year old, but doesn't run away or yell/talk-Is this really that bad :)
5) Trey is not responding to his HEAVY dose of reflux meds, so we have a Gastroenterologist appt. on Nov. 5th-I will update later. Depending on what the GI doctor say we may have to see an ENT also-Trey is a heavy mouth breather and stops breathing at times, his pediatrician has always attributed it to his reflux and says he will grow out of it-But we are going on 10 months and it seems to be getting worse. So we'll see.
6)Trey is one of the HAPPIEST babies EVER!!!! He loves to play and laugh, and just be with all of his family-He is so loving it is amazing! He is definitely a lot of work, but his smile and laugh make it so worth it ;)
7) The boy's birthdays are coming up!!!!!! Ryne's is November 18th and Trey's is December 16th. They are both BIG birthdays this year so we are going all out! For Ryne we are going to Orlando to the Nick Hotel and having a Spongebob themed birthday. We are going to SeaWorld and Disney, and he is just SO EXCITED!!
For Trey's first birthday we are having a cupcake themed birthday :) YAY Cupcakes!!! It is a lot of work and custom ordering because MOST of the cupcake themes are for girls-but I will make it work and pictures are to follow. Oh I have designed and made some absolutely ADORABLE stuff!! I am so excited I LOVE planning their birthdays and seeing the happy looks on their faces make everything worth it!
Actually I guess a lot has been going on b/c this isn't even all of it, oh well I'm tired and you're probably sick of reading about my boys. But I think they are amazing and everything they do is newsworthy :)

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