
Monday, August 17, 2009


All the crying, sleepless nights, biting everything he could find-finally paid off!! On Trey's 8 month birthday his first tooth popped through!! It is so cute to have a baby with one tooth, and it is SO SHARP!! I let Ryne wash his hands and feel it and he looked really sad, I asked him what's wrong and he said "It is so sharp Trey is going to get hurt!" then he started crying. Ryne has the biggest heart of any kid I have ever met. He loves his family so much and if he gets in trouble or thinks someone may get hurt, you'd think his life is ending. This is cute yet overwhelming, many times :)
Later today Ryne used his smart words and disrespected me (I told him to clean up his veggietales game, and he said "Yeah right are you kidding me!!") I have let a lot of things he has been saying lately slide because, well it's funny! But I am defintley getting tired of my 4 year old sound like a disrespectful teenager, and I don't want it to go any further, so I sent him to time out. He is in there for a total of 4 minutes and the whole time he is frantically sobbing saying "My mommy doesn't love me anymore." "My mommy hates me." This breaks my heart BUT I know he is playing me and needs to continue with his punishment. So after he calms down and is quiet and his time is up, I go in there and talk with him. He told me "I will do whatever you want, if you promise to love me again." Where does this kid get this stuff!!! I find myself sounding A LOT like my mom and tell him I will always love him with all of my heart, and sometimes I may be mad, or upset with him, but I will NEVER stop loving him. He then had a HUGE smile on his face and said "YAY!! My mommy loves me!" He is so funny, I can't help but laugh and hug him as hard as I can. I will enforce the respect that he needs to give adults, but I am thinking somewhere he got the thought that when I am upset I stop loving him, so I need to work on changing those thoughts in him also. Maybe that will make it easier when I leave him to go run errands (right now we have total meltdowns, and he cries off and on the whole time I am gone.) This mothering thing is not for idiots, or sissies!!!


  1. "This mothering thing is not for idiots, or sissies!!!" That's for sure!!

  2. Wow, my little girl is 9 months. I still haven't seen a stinking tooth. I think it is going to be like ten at once!

  3. Just thought I would post a comment to day hi. I am a 29 yr old mother of a 13 month old. I myself have hydrocephlus, have had it since birth. From reading your blog and from personal experience I know what you must feel. When I have been sick I have always questioned "is it the hydrocephalus acting up?" but it sounds like Trey is doing well and you can lead a normal, great life even having hydro. He may not get to play contact sports but he can still do pretty much everything else. Although I had a lot of catching up to do, (I also had 2 holes in my heart and a hernia) I ended up being in advanced classes in school. I say this all to give you a positive outlook. I am from Atlanta and have grown up there, even though I live in NC now. If you ever have questions or anything feel free to e-mail

  4. Thank you so much for posting your intro!! It helps more than you know to hear what you are saying. I am friedns with an 18 year old on Facebook who is having MAJOR difficulties and it makes me more and more worried. I do definitley think Trey will be a little delayed, either due to the hydrocephalus or his large size I don't know. Thanks again, and I may very well e-mail you ;)
