
Friday, June 5, 2009

Life decisions...

This is tough. Stephan and I are kinda stuck on what to do and if the decisions we are making are the best for our family. On one hand we love Georgia. We love the seasons, parks are everywhere, schools where we live are GREAT, I LOVE living near my mom, and we have an almost rent free apartment that is bigger than a lot of houses.

On the other hand we miss Stephan's HUGE helpful family, we miss ALL of our AMAZING friends, we miss our church (can't find one we LOVE here), he actually got paid more (or close) in Fl., I want to teach and there are programs in Fl which would make it SO EASY for me to get my certificate (my ultimate goal is to get my master's and be a guidance counselor, Fl has the fastest track for me to do that). We have looked at homes in Fl (there are so many affordable foreclosures) but unfortunately due to prior wrong choices we have made, we can't get approved to buy a house right now (this is actually the MAIN reason we aren't packing right now) and we know the rental situation down there and it is not as good as where we are at right now.

We just don't know what to do. It is times like this when being an adult and responsible for other people's lives basically sucks :(

ANY Advice is welcome....


  1. it not possible for you guys to find the same rental situation you have here in a really nice, large apartment complex where Stephan can also be the security in exchange for the rent and also be able to work? Just a suggestion...Deb

  2. I wish I had some magic advice (other than Tallahassee has seasons too). You guy are in my thoughts so much. I'll keep praying hard for you to have insight to see God's plan and make the right choice. I remember when I moved to Tallahassee from Sebring and it seemed CRAZY to everyone but God. He let me see how to get here even though it seemed like it would fail and look where I'm at now!!! Love you guys very much.

  3. From some of Stephan's crazy big family - we love you very much and miss seeing you too. I'm with Shell we will pray that God takes your hand and leads you down the path he has for you. We have seasons too - hot, mild/hot, hot and hot:). There is always room out here in the boondocks for you all! And for the record - I didn't think Shell was crazy - she did what she needed to do and I'm proud of her for that -just like you did what you needed to do at the time - no wrong choices - just God's plan. Life isn't easy - we just think we have the plan and then it changes. Love you bunches and think of you often. Branmuffin
