Ryne, Trey, and I flew to Florida to surprise my Bil Matthew for his 21st b-day!! Trey did fantastic on the flight and Ryne had a lot of fun, until we started to land, then his ear hurt. All in all it was a great trip and I actually got some sleep. This was the first time since Ryne was born that I have relaxed and let other people help with the boys, and I actually relaxed. My stress was much lower than it had ever been during any trip-we had FUN!! Although Ryne was devastated when we realized he left Uncle Matthew's handmade birthday card at home-oops. But he was EVEN more upset when he learned that Aunt Megan would not be down there.
Trey is doing WONDERFUL!! It took approx. 6 weeks since his surgery but he has "normalized" and is sleeping great and eating perfectly!! He is an extremely happy baby and it is so different than the first 6 months of his life. He sits completley unassisted for quite some time, but he has shown no interest in crawling. He holds his own bottle and sippy cups. He eats about 26 oz. a day of formula and 1/2 jar of baby food 3 times a day (but if we skip the food he is fine too, he doesn't really care if he has it...)
We are taking Ryne to the pediatrician tomorrow, and we hope everything is fine. He has lost 3-4 pounds since November, and has begun getting bruises all over his body for no real reason. He has begun falling all the time but he bruises where he hasn't fallen. Him falling is weird in itself since he has never been that clumsy, but lately all I hear from him is "ow." We are hoping he is just getting taller and has low iron, and will be fine...we'll see-I'll update I promise :) I will have to post pics soon but Ryne found scissors, and cut a chunk of his hair off-It was hilarious and looks super goofy!!
On a very sad not we had to get rid of Colby. He was our first baby and we are all very sad. Over six years ago we got him from the Lee county pound, three days later we found out I was pregnant with Ryne. I was overwhelmed and thought we should take him back but he turned out to be THE BEST dog!! He was perfect around Ryne and was so smart-he behaved perfectly!! But lately he became aggressive towards the boys. I would be putting Trey down and hear Ryne screaming when I ran to the livng room Colby had cornered Ryne and wouldn't let him go anywhere. This happened a couple of times. And there were several times he would get into attack stance towards Ryne or Trey. He became very protective of Stephan and would bark at the wall, and got into EVERYTHING. All of this behavior was not like him and made me worry for Ryne and Trey. We made the decision to give him to the animal shelter for euthanasia before he hurt someone. It really has hurt our hearts and made us feel like we lost a family member.
We are leaving for Florida again in 6 days and will be there for 2 weeks! We will be in Fort Myers for a week then down to the Keys-YAY!!! It should be a ton of fun-pics to follow :)
I have rambled enough for now...Here are some recent pics-
***UPDATE*** We got the blood test results for Ryne and everything looks perfect!! Weird and doesn't make me feel tons better, but at least I know he is healthy. Doctor thinks he may have just hit a crazy growth spurt, and I think he may be falling all the time for attention. Trey has taken a lot of his attention away esp. since he has been through so much medically. So we will just keep an eye on Ryne and hope everything works itself out ;)